
Welcome to season 6 of Shift by Alberta Innovates. 

Join me as I interview the researchers, entrepreneurs, businesses, and service providers that are shifting our perspective about innovation in Alberta and beyond. 

Unleashing the Power of Innovation and Ecosystems


In the heart of Alberta, captivating stories unfold, showcasing groundbreaking technological advancements that will shape our lives and transform the world. These remarkable narratives deserve to take center stage. Innovation isn’t solely about monumental leaps; it’s about subtle shifts that enhance our work and elevate our way of life.

Just when you thought you knew everything about Alberta and Alberta Innovates, get ready for a shift.

Jon Hagan

Jon Hagan


Season 6, episode 8

On this episode we talk about building Alberta’s video game industry one studio at a time.

Season 6, Episode 8  |   49:52


SHIFT by Alberta Innovates

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Learn more about how Alberta innovates.